Great AI Begins With Great Data

April 5, 2024
00  min read
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Great Data is the Backbone of AI

In the world of video games, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has always been a topic of interest. From rudimentary "if/then" logic statements to immersive gameplay to dynamic pathfinding to intelligent opponents. AI has consistently played a critical role in shaping our collective experiences as gamers ever since the 1970s. And while early instances of AI were primitive (at best), these early examples served as the building blocks that would later become advanced and fundamental AI technologies:

  • Machine learning
  • Deep learning
  • Natural language processing

The video game industry has regularly been an uncredited source of inspiration for many of today's modern technologies (from 3D modeling to graphics processing to CPU architecture and even virtual reality). However, AI is quickly becoming one of the this century's greatest innovations, and as our collective understanding of AI fundamentals too is our understanding of the fact that AI is only as good as its data.

Great AI begins with Great Data

In this article we aim to highlight the importance of developing AI using great data (versus general data). Imagine you are a programmer tasked with creating a pathfinding AI solution for a video game. However, the only information you're given is the size of the map, some basic information about directional character controls, and nothing else. Chances are the final pathfinding AI solution will "work" but not very well. Don't feel bad, though. The game was built in less than two weeks, and you only had 24-hours to code the solution. Those were the good ol' days!

Now, imagine that you're also provided a detailed map with three-dimensional object placement coordinates and full character movement abilities. Suddenly your solution becomes dramatically more "intelligent" and accurate. It's not that your solution is any better than before. Rather, you simply had better data to work with and could make better decisions as a result.

Businesses operate the same way. The more information they have access to (e.g., product data, customer data, sales data), the deeper they can go with analytics and in developing actionable insights to produce measurable outcomes. Great AI is no different. And the more data it has access to, the better its algorithms can perform to return accurate results.

Quality Data Reduces AI Hallucination

However, when bad data is introduced to an AI it can produce what is known as an "AI Hallucination." This is where generative AI incorrectly produces information that is either inaccurate and/or simply untrue. In the real-world, bad information is typically identified as one of three categories: 

  • Misinformation: Information that is false, but the originator genuinely believes it to be true.
  • Disinformation: Information that is false, yet the originator knows it to be false (a.k.a. deliberate, malicious, or "bad actor").
  • Mal-information: Information that is based on real information, but used to inflict harm (directly or indirectly).

The majority of AI hallucinations fall into the category of misinformation because the AI genuinely assumes its source data to be accurate. And while AI hallucinations can be reduced through programmatic techniques (e.g., AI training and deep learning), the ideal solution that provides the greatest ROI is modeling an AI solution with quality data at the onset. Quality data minimizes errors and inconsistencies, which (in turn) reduces the chance for AI hallucination and thereby increases the overall accuracy.

The Ultimate Data Source for the Video Game Industry

This is the primary focus of our VGAMI™ project: to create the ultimate data source for the video game industry by bringing every game and every platform together under ONE source. No longer will you need to re-invent the wheel just to get a reliable list of games for a specific product, barcodes, and Amazon ASINs. We're

But while accurate and quality data is essential for developing modern AI solutions, it is only one piece of the puzzle. At Game Data Group our core projects (VGAMI™, GameDNA™, and GameKAI™) each focus on a specific piece of the end-to-end AI solution for the video game industry. Furthermore, these components are being made for the express purpose of enabling businesses and consumers across the video game industry:

  • VGAMI™: A high quality data source for video game information.
  • GameDNA™: A flexible AI data engine delivering
  • GameKAI™: A consumer-facing companion app for video game information.

If you want to learn more about any of our products free to explore each of our projects on our website ( You can pre-register any of the products you're interested in, and we'll notify you when licensing options become available. And if you'd like to simply remain in touch with us, feel free to join our mailing list (see below).

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