Our Projects

Key Features

Wondering what makes VGAMI™ special?

Here are a few key differentiators:


VGAMI™ maintains a physical archive with over  50,000+ video games, original hardware and historic materials.


VGAMI™ features a massive (and growing) collection of physical and digital video game data with an emphasis on data quality.


Our digital preservation team archives artwork, media, and general information for video games from 1971 to present day.


All data within VGAMI™ is seamlessly connected via a flexible and scalable relational data architecture.


The VGAMI™ data architecture supports non-structured data for simple data expansion and accelerated AI modeling.


VGAMI™ data is direct-from-source and designed to be 100% free of bias and censorship. Our data tells the whole truth.

Frequently Asked Questions

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and its features.

Contact Us
What is VGAMI?

VGAMI™ (vee-gah-mee) is short for Video Games, Artwork, Media and Information. It is a unified data source consisting of international video game data gathered from 1971 to the present day. It encompasses both physical and digital games, and aims to become the most complete, accurate, and unbiased data source for video games ever assembled.

What is special about VGAMI data?

VGAMI™ sources its data from official and authentic sources, both physical and digital. A large portion of our historical video game data is pulled directly from high-resolution images supplied by our in-house digital preservation team. Not only does this help to preserve video game history for future generations, but it also allows us to reference directly back to the source for data quality validation concerns. Combine this with the nightly data feeds from our vetted team of online data providers, and you get reliable data you can trust.

When will VGAMI™ become available for licensing?

VGAMI™ is not available for licensing at this time. However, VGAMI™ directly powers our GameDNA™ and GameKAI™ services, and VGAMI™ information is accessible through each service. Please refer to the product pages for GameDNA™ and GameKAI™ for additional information.

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™ becomes available for licensing.