Our Projects

Key Features

Wondering what makes GameDNA™ special?

Here are a few key differentiators:

Intuitive (AI²)

GameDNA™ features a patent-pending method for determining source context to more accurately respond to questions.


GameDNA™ is powered by our proprietary VGAMI™ data source to ensure accurate and unbiased data.


GameDNA™ revolutionizes query handling through a mixture-of-experts model combined with contextual determination.

AI Technologies

GameDNA™ incorporates Natural Language Processing (NLP) and other AI technologies from OpenAI, Microsoft and Google.


GameDNA™ delivers an platform for asking direct questions and receiving lightning fast results that are accurate and unbiased.

API integration

GameDNA™ can easily be integrated into any external solution via our dedicated API (coming soon).

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about


and its features.

Contact Us
What is GameDNA™?

GameDNA™ is a Mixture of Experts (MoE) Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology and designed exclusively for video game data.

Can I license GameDNA™ for business use?

Yes, GameDNA™ will be made available for commercial licensing once it has been released.

How much does GameDNA™ cost?

GameDNA™ is designed to be cost effective. A modest monthly subscription fee will be collected to initiate and maintain the service account, and then any service consumption will be metered and billed at the end of each month. Logs will be provided to help monitor and forecast usage.

When will GameDNA™ be released?

GameDNA™ is in active development and will be released when it is ready. Register below to participate in our upcoming beta testing program.

Can I become a beta tester?

Absolutely! Simply register below to become an "early adopter" and you will be notified when you have been added to our beta testing program. Please note that we have not fully automated this process yet, so please be patient with us. We will let you know as soon as we're ready.

Want to be an early adopter?

Sign-up below and you'll be notified when


is released!

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Want to be an early adopter?

Sign-up below and you'll be notified when


becomes generally available for licensing.

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Want to be an early adopter?

Sign-up below and you'll be notified when


™ becomes available for licensing.