Level Up Your Gaming Analysis with a Mixture of Experts AI Architecture

April 10, 2024
00  min read
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As the world of AI continues to evolve, an AI architecture introduced in 2017 known as Mixture of Experts (MoE) is paving the way for new possibilities in data analysis for video games. In this article, we will discover how Mixture of Experts AI architecture works, and explore how it is being applied to the world of video game data at the Game Data Group.

What is a Mixture of Experts AI Architecture?

Mixture of Experts (or "MoE") is an advanced AI architecture that combines multiple and specialized AI models, known as experts, to handle complex data pattern analysis. A "gating network" solution is used to analyze and determine which AI expert(s) are needed to respond to an inquiry. The end-result is an aggregated and weighted response that is ultimately more specific and relevant:


A simple way to explain this concept is to consider how Family Medicine works.

Consider for a moment that you were experiencing a sharp pain in your left foot. Most people will start by visiting their general family physician. The general family physician will ask a few key questions, and then eventually refer you onto the appropriate specialists. In this case those specialists include (1) an Imaging specialist who can perform x-rays on your foot, and (2) a Podiatrist (which is a doctor who specializes in medical conditions related to the feet).

Assuming there are no additional complications, the information returned by the analysis from these specialists will then provide sufficient information for making a diagnosis and potentially a recommended path for treatment. For example, you may have simply sprained your ankle, in which you may be told to manage your pain with over-the-counter medication and possibly undergo a week of physical therapy. (This of course is just speculation; we're not doctors here!)

Nevertheless, this example highlights several of the key systems used in a Mixture of Experts architecture. First, your general family physician performs the function of a "gating network" by providing the required, initial intelligence to determine which specialists are needed to solve your particular issue. Next, the Imaging specialist and Podiatrist were the only specialists (a.k.a. "experts") called into action by the family physician (a.k.a. "gating network") to make the final medical diagnosis (a.k.a., "aggregated and weighted response"). Finally, the medical industry employs several additional medical specialists (a.k.a. "experts") who were not engaged in this particular diagnosis because they were not needed. For example, there was no need to involve a Cardiologist, a Psychologist, or a General Surgeon under these circumstances.

This is the beauty of the Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture. It performs efficiently and is modeled after a real-world hierarchy that is easily understood by humans. For this reason, the Mixture of Experts (MoE) architecture is extremely flexible and provides a wide range of development possibilities. Additionally, leveraging the expertise of different models can increase accuracy and provide deeper insights and analysis, thus making it ideal for tackling the intricacies of complex information...which brings us now to video game data.

Applying Mixture of Experts AI Architecture to Video Game Data Analysis

Video game analysis is as varied as it is complex:

  • How long is this game?
  • How do I beat this boss?
  • What is the Konami code?
  • Is this game suitable for my child?
  • What games are similar to XYZ?

Requests for general information (like these) often require more information than is initially provided. This is a challenge in its own right, and will be addressed in separate article. For the present, if you've followed the basic concepts relating to Mixture of Experts (MoE), then you should be able to see now how an MoE architecture can be used to approach these questions individually:

  • How long is this game? — "Game Duration" expert
  • How do I beat this boss? — "Game Boss" expert
  • What is the Konami code? — "Game Codes" expert
  • Is this game suitable for my child? — "Game Content" expert
  • What games are similar to XYZ? — "Game" expert + "Game Metadata" expert

These are just examples, but you can see how the information is broken down into individualized "expert" models to deal with common questions. This is where the MoE architecture shines:

  • Flexibility and adaptability: Mixture of Experts (MoE) can adapt to different types of video game data, allowing for versatile analysis and insights.
  • Scalability: With its ability to handle large-scale video game datasets efficiently, Mixture of Experts (MoE) ensures the analysis can keep pace with the growing data demands of the gaming industry.
  • Enhanced Accuracy and Predictive Power: Mixture of Experts (MoE) improves data analysis accuracy by effectively combining the strengths of various models.

While there are many upsides to MoE architecture, it is important to note the downsides as well:

  • Complexity and computational requirements: Implementing and training Mixture of Experts models can be challenging due to their complexity and resource-intensive nature.
  • Interpretability: While Mixture of Experts generates powerful results, interpreting and explaining the decisions made by these models may prove challenging due to their intricate structures.
  • Data requirements and preprocessing: To effectively implement Mixture of Experts, extensive and well-structured video game data is crucial, making data preprocessing a critical step.

As you can see, the complexity and cost in maintaining these models is a limiting factor; and it is why these types of services aren't typically made available to the general public for free. However, the most important barrier has to do with the foundational data, and that's where Game Data Group and its VGAMI™ project come into play.

Mixture of Experts (MoE) AI Architecture Demands Great Data

The GameDNA™ AI engine is being developed by the Game Data Group using a variant of the Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) AI architecture. Simultaneously, the VGAMI™ data project has been designed with this architecture in mind, and provides the necessary data structure and preprocessing requirements to directly support a multi-expert AI architecture.

This is why Game Data Group is becoming a leader in the world of AI analysis for video game data, as our MoE architecture highlights the relationship between our two projects: VGAMI™ and GameDNA™. Additional articles will be posting in the coming weeks, so consider joining our mailing list to stay informed of new articles like this.

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